Grace Chen, Research Officer, PhD Candidate, Centre for Public Health Research, College of Health, Massey University.
Dr Dave McLean, Principal Investigator and Grace Chen’s supervisor
Professor Jeroen Douwes, Head of Department and Grace Chen’s supervisor
Professors Neil Pearce and Leonard van den Berg – overseas collaborators
Current Research
Grace and the team are conducting a New Zealand population based control study to investigate associations between occupational and environmental exposures and MND.
They have examined associations with occupational exposures to electric shocks, low-frequency magnetic fields, pesticides, other chemicals, and Motor Neurone Disease. They have published papers on their findings to date. See the links to these articles under publications below.
Relationship to MND
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between MND and a range of unknown or suspected occupational and environmental exposures in New Zealand.
Future Research
The intention is to do more studies on MND after this study result has been published.
The Motor Neuron Disease Association New Zealand supports the recruitment for MND patients. The study also collaborated with the Centre for Brain Research (Scotter Lab) for the selected markers of the disease process.
Currently not using any shared resources, will share the database of the bio-markers of the disease process in New Zealand.
Resource Gaps
A formal diagnosis letter on the type of MND will help us to have a complete picture of the disease in New Zealand.
Sports and trauma as risk factors for Motor Neurone Disease: New Zealand case–control study.
Chen, GX, Douwes, J, van den Berg, LH, Glass, B, McLean, D, ’t Mannetje, AM. Sports and trauma as risk factors for Motor Neurone Disease: New Zealand case–control study. Acta Neurol Scand. 2022; 145: 770– 785. doi:10.1111/ane.13615
Chen GX, Douwes J, van den Berg L, et al. Occupational exposures to pesticides and other chemicals: a New Zealand motor neuron disease case–control study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine Published Online First: 22 March 2022. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-108056
Chen, G., McLean, D., Mannetje, A., D’Souza, W., McConnell, M., Kromhout, H., . . . Vermeulen, R. (2016). P203 Occupational exposure to ELF-MF and electric shocks and motor neurone disease. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 73(Suppl 1), A189-A189. doi:10.1136/oemed-2016-103951.519
Contact Details
Centre for Public Health Research
Massey University
Wellington Campus
PO Box 756
Wellington 6140
e: g.chen1@massey.ac.nz
w: www.publichealth.massey.ac.nz
p: +64 4 801 5799 (63121) or +64 4 9793121